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We at St. Peter Apostle JNS pride ourselves in offering a number of extra-curricular activities for our students. Here are some of the activities we offer to our students

Violins: Our second class students have had the great opportunity to learn how to play the violin

Choir: Our first class students get to learn and sing their favourite songs in the school's choir and also perform for the second class children as they make their communion

Peace Proms: Every year, our second class students represent our school in the Peace Proms, a platform that allows schools to come together and engage musically.

Active Schools: We at St. Peter Apostle JNS understand the importance of activity and exercise. That is why every class has been able to engage in fun exercise activities, outside of class and integrated into their learning.

Soft Start: This is a new initiative for the school year 23/24. It focuses on a gentle start to the school day where children are given time and space to interact with each other and their teachers and SNAs in a calm and nurturing environment. There are 4 zones in each classroom: Breakfast Zone, Construction Zone, Art Zone and Fine Motor Zone. Children are encouraged to wander between areas during Soft Start. 

Children are invited to share how they are feeling, if they wish to.  The final part of Soft Start is a short breathing exercise.

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